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Open Enrollment Patient Acquisition & Retention Strategies

Open Enrollment Patient Acquisition & Retention Strategies

Open enrollment is a massive opportunity for your medical group to gain market share because many health insurance plans require consumers to choose a Primary Care Physician at the time...

Oncology Marketing Trends to Look for in 2021

Oncology Marketing Trends to Look for in 2021

Medical groups across the industry are looking to stay ahead of the curve, navigating these challenging times under stay-at-home orders and the worldwide coronavirus health crisis -- and it's no...

How a Full Service Marketing Agency Helps Medical Groups Grow

How a Full Service Marketing Agency Helps Medical Groups Grow

Medical groups need help to grow because healthcare has never been more competitive. Though everyone needs medical care eventually, medical groups still face challenges to moving forward successfully. That’s why...

Why Brand Building is Important

Why Brand Building is Important

If brand building is the key to long term value creation, then why do some marketing leaders focus mostly on sales activation campaigns? It’s because they can bet their paychecks...

How to Measure and Improve Marketing Effectiveness

How to Measure and Improve Marketing Effectiveness

John Wanamaker, founder of the country’s first department store, Wanamaker’s, once said, “Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don’t know which half.” If...

Business cost reduction: A force multiplier

Business cost reduction: A force multiplier

In military language, a force multiplier is the term used when a factor enables a force to work more effectively and more efficiently. We want you to think about how...