Medical practice managers who believe that brand awareness isn't important are making a costly mistake. The ones who recognize that brand awareness matters will gain the competitive advantage. The ones...
Latest Insights
How to Double the Likelihood Your Medical Practice is Chosen
Google is the New Yellow Pages. Time to Think Differently
Investing the bulk of your marketing dollars in Google is the modern-day equivalent of buying a big expensive ad in the Yellow Pages. Look at the data. Only 2 in...
How to Double the Likelihood Your Brand is Purchased
Business owners who believe that brand awareness doesn’t matter are making a costly mistake. The ones who do believe it matters will gain the competitive advantage. The ones who don’t...
2021 Healthcare Marketing Techniques Based On Your Brand’s Strength
Because medical marketing is an ongoing process requiring constant oversight and diligence, using the right tools to measure and adjust the effectiveness of your healthcare marketing plan is crucial to...
The Key to Sustaining Profitable Medical Practice Growth
Medical groups struggle to sustain profitable growth because marketing is changing, but often not in ways that those medical groups realize. It’s challenging for medical practice leaders to keep up...
Open Enrollment Patient Acquisition & Retention Strategies
Open enrollment is a massive opportunity for your medical group to gain market share because many health insurance plans require consumers to choose a Primary Care Physician at the time...